

I have worked in the fitness industry for 2.5 years now training many different people with different goals.

This has included everyday people looking to improve their body composition and quality of life, high school athletes training for their sport, state level basketball players at the semi-professional level and more.

My formal qualifications are a Bachelor and Honours degree in exercise and sport science and a Masters degree in strength and conditioning.

My key interest areas are in sport-specific training and improving movement quality for everyday life. My biggest belief when it comes to fitness is that you should enjoy what you do. Consequently, I always strive to create a fun and welcoming environment in the gym to allow everyone to get the most out of their time here.


I’m the owner, manager and club nutritionist with a Bachelor Degree in Human Movement and Bachelor Degree in Nutrition and Food Science. 

I specialise in helping ordinary working professionals break the yo-yo diet cycle and lose weight for food – without being miserable in the process. 

For me, a healthy lifestyle is much more than just lifting weights. It’s about mobility, proper preparation with movement prep, eating healthily, and getting necessary rest and enough sleep. I love helping others see and experience what their bodies are capable of with just enough hard work. I make it a goal to help you achieve a happy and well-balanced lifestyle that will minimise the risk of future health-related issues.

32D Doveton Street North, Ballarat Central 
P 0412 173 153

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